Cricket Gangsta, the popular gully cricket real-time multiplayer for mobile developed and published by Creative Monkey Games, has announced its collaboration with Dubai Esports and Games Festival (DEF). This...
Award-winning animation company Omens Studios has developed and launched a new gaming app for its hit children’s property, Leo the Wildlife Ranger. The Leo the Wildlife Ranger Kids Games app is...
Made-in-India hero shooter Battle Stars has now over two million players worldwide in just three weeks of its release on the App Store and Google Play. To celebrate this...
After the federal authorities finished an inquiry into a feature known as “Passenger Play” that allowed games to be played on displays while moving, Tesla was able to avoid...
The modern era of technology provides humankind with great benefits and conveniences. Various tech creations make our life easier, smarter, faster, and more practical. In the meanwhile, one can...
Cricket is immensely popular in India, and fantasy sports is gaining momentum in the country. At the intersection of these two trends lies Sportiqo – a fantasy cricket app...
Leading mobile games developer and publisher Kwalee has collaborated with popular online gaming platform CrazyGames to bring a collection of eleven highly engaging mobile games. Kwalee will develop the...
Graphics have always been the foundation of gaming. Along with processing power, graphics have restricted and then liberated what developers can achieve in terms of the titles they release....